Fourth Week of Advent

Expectant Waiting

We know waiting.

In the space between inhale and exhale

watchers become witnesses,

waiting becomes arriving.

1.Gather advent candles, lighter, journal if you’d like, & a device for the video/music

2. Use the video below to guide your ritual for yourself or with others - the video is brief but slow-paced

3. For a longer ritual - after the video - you could read the scripture or poem & close with our reflective song this week.

Suggested Use for Candlighting Ritual

4. Or choose another day to journal - using the poems and songs this week. Pair them to journal once, or twice.

WEEK FOUR Candle Lighting Video

3 Poems

Written Reflection


Songs - Reflection

Daniel Berrigan (born 1921)

Advent Credo

It is not true that creation and the human family are doomed to destruction and loss—

This is true: For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life;

It is not true that we must accept inhumanity and discrimination, hunger and poverty, death and destruction—

This is true: I have come that they may have life, and that abundantly.

It is not true that violence and hatred should have the last word, and that war and destruction rule forever—

This is true: Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, his name shall be called wonderful councilor, mighty God, the Everlasting, the Prince of peace.

It is not true that we are simply victims of the powers of evil who seek to rule the world—

This is true: To me is given authority in heaven and on earth, and lo I am with you, even until the end of the world.

It is not true that we have to wait for those who are specially gifted, who are the prophets of the Church before we can be peacemakers—

This is true: I will pour out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions and your old men shall have dreams.

It is not true that our hopes for liberation of humankind, of justice, of human dignity of peace are not meant for this earth and for this history—

This is true: The hour comes, and it is now, that the true worshipers shall worship God in spirit and in truth.

So let us enter Advent in hope, even hope against hope. Let us see visions of love and peace and justice. Let us affirm with humility, with joy, with faith, with courage: Jesus Christ—the life of the world.

From Testimony: The Word Made Flesh, by Daniel Berrigan, S.J. Orbis Books, 2004.

Making the House Ready for the Lord

  • Mary Oliver

Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed but

still nothing is as shining as it should be

for you. Under the sink, for example, is an

uproar of mice it is the season of their

many children. What shall I do? And under the eaves

and through the walls the squirrels

have gnawed their ragged entrances but it is the season

when they need shelter, so what shall I do? And

the raccoon limps into the kitchen and opens the cupboard

while the dog snores, the cat hugs the pillow;

what shall I do? Beautiful is the new snow falling

in the yard and the fox who is staring boldly

up the path, to the door. And still I believe you will

come, Lord: you will, when I speak to the fox,

the sparrow, the lost dog, the shivering sea-goose, know

that really I am speaking to you whenever I say,

as I do all morning and afternoon: Come in, Come in.


-Sara Groves

We wait for a story

A stillness a candle, a light

We wait for forgiveness

A sense of direction, a sign

We wait for You

This month of endless night

Prepare You room

For making all things right

We wait

We wait for a break in the weather

The traffic, a line

We wait for the light of the morning

A truce in the fight

We wait for You

This month of endless night

Prepare You room

For making all things right

We wait

We wait for You

This month of endless night

Prepare You room

Cathedrals made in time

We wait for peace

And goodwill to all men

We wait to see

The waiting is not vain

We wait

We wait

For You


Waiting For you

-The Many

The earth cries out, nothing feels right.
The world cries out, no justice in sight. 

Fires burning everywhere,
Too many, too hot, too bright. 

We are waiting for you, we are waiting for that
Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

The child cries out, “don’t turn out the light.”
Broken hearts cry out, no end of hurt in sight.

Greed and guns rule everywhere,
Too many, too strong to fight. 

Let us be a sign of hope, let us be your arms of love
Let us be the ones that say, “there is another way.”


We are waiting for you. You are waiting for us, too. 

lyrics below


Advent poem

by Walter Brueggemann

In our secret yearnings

we wait for your coming,

and in our grinding despair

we doubt that you will.

And in this privileged place

we are surrounded by witnesses who yearn more than do we

and by those who despair more deeply than do we.

Look upon your church and its pastors

in this season of hope

which runs so quickly to fatigue

and this season of yearning

which becomes so easily quarrelsome.

Give us the grace and the impatience

to wait for your coming to the bottom of our toes,

to the edge of our finger tips.

We do not want our several worlds to end.

Come in your power

and come in your weakness

in any case and make all things new.
